Tuesday, January 1, 2013

I've Been Here Before

I've been here before. I've started blogs, I've deleted blogs, I've left them alone for very long times and then came back to them with a fierce passion. But so far I've not been able to keep up with a blog because I've not been able to keep up with my projects and goals. My writing blog sits dusty. My weight loss blog didn't make it a week. So, I'm starting fresh. A blog without projects, without goals, or deadlines. A blog about me, for me, to make a dent in the world, even a small one.

It is called Thread by Thread: A Life because of this, because a life isn't one project, one goal. It is full of ups and downs, knots and tangles. You add threads, you run out of thread, you cut one thread out completely, but at the end you have created something even if it is lopsided and gaudy.

In this blog I'm just going to be myself... crocheting more stuff than I know what to do with, losing weight, gaining weight, trying new recipes, trying to keep my house clean, being a wife, reading good books, writing bad ones, playing video games, and working hard. Thread by thread I will share with you my life.

I can here the skeptics out there saying that I won't stay on top of this blog any more than I did any of the others, and who wants to read about my boring life? And I have say that I'm one of these skeptics, but the success of this blog does not reside in the number of people that read it and like it or the number of posts I write in a week. It resides only in my ability to create a whole out of threads I weave together here. 

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