Sunday, May 19, 2013

Pregnancy Belly and Baby Wiggles

I looked in the mirror the other day and thought "Oh dear!" This was followed by a minor freak out about how much control I'm losing over my body. It is a strange to feel your body change so rapidly. It starts to feel like it isn't your body, like you're living in someone else. I'm starting to like my belly though. In a world where weight gain is usually a bad thing, it is hard to remember that what is happening to me is a good thing. At first the belly changes weren't that noticeable  but now it feels like every week I am significantly rounder. I honestly don't know how much weight I've gained. The last check was 6 pounds, but that was almost a month ago. I don't weigh myself at home, only at the doctors.

Drake has really been wiggling around in there too. Sometimes when I watch my stomach, it twitches with each hop. Damian still hasn't really been able to feel him, but I think he must not have feeling in his hands, because Drake is certainly trying his best to give high fives in the womb.

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